Field Medical Director, Cardiology & Metabolism Team
Midwestern University College of Pharmacy - Glendale
Lindsay E. Davis is a member of Pfizer’s Internal Medicine Field Medical Group serving Arizona and New Mexico on behalf of the Cardiology & Metabolism Team. Prior to her Pfizer position, Dr. Davis was a Professor at Midwestern University College of Pharmacy - Glendale (CPG) where she continues to serve as an adjunct faculty member. She earned her Doctor of Pharmacy degree in 2003 from the University of Arizona and completed her residency training in 2009-2010 in adult acute care at the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Dr. Davis volunteers at a private cardiology practice where she offers an Orthostatic Hypotension Clinic through a collaborative practice agreement (CPA). Between 2010-2022 she precepted over 130 students and residents in cardiology, internal medicine, and academia rotations. Dr. Davis is honored to have received the Mentor of the Year, Teacher of the Year, and Outstanding Educator Awards during her tenure at CPG. Dr. Davis served as the Program Coordinator for CPG’s Clinician Educators Program, a post-graduate longitudinal teaching and learning curriculum for pharmacists in practice or post-graduate training. The program was offered from 2013-2022 and has nearly 600 program alumni. She was the principal investigator for the Habits of Preceptors Project Dr. Davis’s scholarly publications are focused on teaching and precepting methods and cardiovascular pharmacotherapy. A record of her scholarly work can be found at
Kaleidoscopes: Viewing Self/Team Enhancement Frameworks Through the Lens of Pharmacist Practitioners
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
12:30 PM – 1:45 PM ET
Precepting Effectiveness: A Habits of Preceptors Workshop
Thursday, October 5, 2023
1:00 PM – 2:15 PM ET